stampley family mission statement

we will love the Lord our God with all of our heart, mind, soul and strength. we will serve our marriage by loving each other as Christ loved the church, by uplifting each other in prayer, and by creating an environment of peace, love, forgiveness, respect and laughter. we will strive to model Christ in our relationships with others and will be humble stewards of His blessings.


china recap

as mentioned in my last post, i was recently in china for's a brief "recap" of my experience { much for blogging while i was there!} .
  • it's really hard being away from my husband after the excitement of getting married + finally being able to truly live together. people say that absence makes the heart go fonder, but...i don't buy it. i do enjoy my job + the benefits of traveling, but i miss my husband the 12 hour time difference doesn't really help either {okay, enough of the "sob story"...}
  • HRC + her crew stayed at my hotel while visiting beijing...i ate breakfast "with" the secret service. {okay, maybe not "with" them, but we were in the same restaurant - so, as far as i'm counts}
  • another female coworker + i were stranded in the rain for about an hour because we refused to pay "foreigner" cab prices. the cab drivers wanted to charge us 2600% more than a normal cab ride {13RMB/2USD versus 340RMB/50USD} back to our hotel because they "knew" we were stranded + it was raining. we ended up calling our hotel + having them bring a car to get us...which ended up costing "us" about 300RMB/45USD {i'm not good at simple math, so if my calculations aren't right - i'm cool with it. just know...they tried to charge us too much...}
  • i did no sightseeing at all - none - except for seeing the "bird's nest/national stadium" and the "aquatic center/water cube" every day to + from the office. i went to dinner with coworkers a few times, but i spent most of my time sleeping the weekend i was there...and it was GREAT! the hubby really tried to encourage me to get out, but i guess i was fine with catching up on my zzzzz's because i knew that i would be coming back in june...AND i'd already been the china - different city, of course, but still
  • the ride to + from the office was EASILY the worst part of being would take between 45mins to an hour + a half to get there, depending on traffic...there was really no way around it
  • i almost missed my connecting flight from tokyo back home because my first flight from beijing was delayed. i had twenty mins to deboard my flight, go through security, find my gate, go through security {again}, then board. i made it. lucky delta


ni hao!!!

so, i started this blog soon after my wedding on 03.26.10. my intent was to blog about my adventures as a newlywed + up until today, almost two months later, i had yet to write my first post. well, here it is....

i'm currently in china for the next week for a work assignment. when i arrived a few days ago, i came up with the bright idea that while i'm suffering from jetlag + unable sleep due to the 12 hour time difference, that i can blog! well, that was a bright idea for, hmmm...about ten minutes until i realized that basically all blogs are blocked by the government here in china, so i was/am unable to even access my blogger account. after googling work arounds, my husband {dude, as i affectionately refer to him - LOVE that man} came to the rescue + set-up the option within blogger where i can post by email - SCORE! sooooooo, that brings me to my disclaimer...because i can't even SEE my blog at this point, i apologize in advance for it's potential lack of visual appeal, but hey...i should at least get an "a" for effort, right?!? :)

until next time...